Fishing Report for Week Ending November 12, 2017


OVERVIEW – The Chinook fishing has been FAIR overall around the South Island. All fishing effort is targeting winter springs. Most of the fish are from 3-6 lbs in size with only a few larger ones up to 14 lbs. Weather conditions have also been poor for fishing over most of the week.

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  1. A) Call 1-866-431-FISH or 604-666-2828 (24-hour phone line);

  2. B) Visit our web page find applicable fishery notices; or

  3. C) Follow our sport fishing Twitter account

Visit our Facebook page to see reports, news and videos by our guides and staff from their most recent trips.

SOOKE– The salmon fishing was GOOD this past week. Winter springs as large as 14 lbs were caught this past week. The best locations to fish for winter springs have been from the Bluffs west to Muir Creek. The hot combo this past week was a whiter hootchy behind a red flasher.  Most of the fish are quite close to the bottom. Spoons in the Coho Killers, Skinny G’s, and small 3.5″ G Force spoons have been good and anchovies are still a popular choice. Good choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze.  For flashers, Red/Silver Hot Spots, the Delta Guide Series UV Moon Jelly, Madi and the Lemon Lime Chartreuse are good choices. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top colors.

BECHER BAY– Salmon fishing was NOT TOO BAD this past week. Most of the fish seen at Cheanuh Marina came from Church Rock and Whirl Bay and were running up to 8 lbs in size. Most of the fish have been caught on spoons with Coho Killers, Gibbs Skinny G’s in Cop Car and green & silver colors. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters and Lemon Lime, Silver Fever Hot Spot and Big Shooter Betsy have been working well. Fish close to the bottom for the winter springs.

PEDDER BAY– Pedder Bay Marina reports SLOW fishing.  Due to the weather this past week there have not been many anglers out on the water.  It has been very slow inside the bay and the few salmon caught came from Whirl Bay. The salmon have been reported up to 8 lbs in size.  Spoons that have been producing are the Skinny G’s, AP Tackleworks and Coho Killers.  Hoochies and squirts with a green and glow, or UV white have been popular color choices for plastic baits this week.  Flashers that are popular include the Guide Series Madi, Outfitters and Lemon Lime.

VICTORIA – Fishing for salmon was SPOTTY off the waterfront this past week. The most productive area is Constance Bank with multiple hookups into fish ranging mostly from 3 to 6 pounds in size. A few larger ones up to 10 lbs were also caught on the bank.  Spoons have been successful in getting hook ups with Irish Cream Skinny G’s, AP Tackleworks Anchovy spoons and Green/Glow Coyote spoons popular choices. Closer in along the waterfront it has been very slow with anglers catching nothing but time on the water.

OAK BAY– Salmon fishing was SLOW in Oak Bay this past week. There were a few salmon coming in from the Flats and the Gap but most of them have been fairly small with a 8 lb fish the largest that we have heard about. There was bait in Oak Bay this past week so things are looking up. The salmon are feeding on needle fish and have been close to the bottom where the feed is located. Most of the anglers have been either bottom bouncing or jigging close to the bottom.

SIDNEY– Salmon fishing was SLOW in the Sidney area. Anglers have been catching springs but all of them have been undersized. The area holding the most fish has been the Sidney Channel. Anglers using spoons found that Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and 3.5″ G Force spoons the most productive this past week. Suggested colours are Trap Shack and Bon Chovy. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good producers of fish with teaser heads in UV Purple.

Notable Catches – Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email


OVERVIEW – Fishing was GOOD in most lakes for trout and SLOW for bass.

COWICHAN RIVER – The Cowichan River’s water level is rising with the weekend’s rains. The water level is 0.9 meters near the lake and 1.02 meters near Duncan.  Coho and chum salmon fishing is now open from the White Bridge upstream through the mid river. Fishing for trout in the fly only area has been good with the arrival of lots of salmon in the upper river. Look for trout stationed just downstream of the redds as they feed on salmon eggs.  Now is the time to start fishing egg patterns.  For salmon, jigs have been productive.

TROUT – Trout fishing has been GOOD with lots of trout to be caught as the Vancouver Island Fish hatchery fall stocking program of catchable triploid rainbow trout in South Island lakes has been ongoing.

On November 8th, Prior Lake received 250 trout averaging 220.32 grams in size. On November 2nd, Elk Lake received 1,450 trout, Prospect Lake1, 200 trout, Durrance Lake 500 trout and Colwood Lake 250 trout averaging 208.77 grams in size. On October 26th, Spectacle Lake received 500 trout and Lookout Lake 250 trout averaging 262.94 grams. On October 25th, Kemp Lake received 1,000 trout and Ida Anne 250 trout averaging 174.27 grams, Thetis Lake 1,000 trout, Glen Lake 500 trout and Lookout Lake 250 trout averaging 230 grams. On the same day, Matheson Lake received 500 trout averaging 156.48 grams in size. On October 23rd, Prospect Lake received another 2,000 trout averaging 227.27 grams, Thetis Lake 1,000 trout, Glen Lake 500 trout and Lookout Lake 250 trout averaging 230 grams. On October 19th, Elk Lake received another 1,800 trout and Durrance Lake 2,000 averaging 223.4 grams. On October 16th, Elk Lake received 2,000 trout and Prospect Lake 1,800 averaging 230 grams. On October 13th, Lookout Lake received 250 trout averaging 256.87 grams. On October 11th, Matheson and Kemp Lakes received 500 trout averaging 250.11 grams. On October 3rd Elk Lake received 1,750 trout averaging 247.81 grams in size. Thetis Lake received 1,000 trout and Glen Lake received 500 trout averaging 267.89 grams in size. On October 2nd, Shawnigan Lake received 1,750 trout, Dougan Lake 1,000 trout and Spectacle Lake received 500 trout averaging 257.27 grams in size. On September 28th, Langford Lake received 1,161 trout averaging 681.67 grams in size. On September 27th, Langford Lake received 1,000 trout averaging 673.68 grams in size.

Shore anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing close to the bottom. Pink, Chartreuse and Fluorescent Yellow have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are fishing Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Muddler Minnow patterns on full sink fly lines most of the time to get into the lower water levels. Trollers are catching trout with worms fished behind Gibbs Gang Trolls and on Gibbs Wedding Bands. 2” Tomic Plugs have also been working well for trout.

BASS– Bass fishing is SLOW. During the day, soft plastics rigged Carolina style work well and crank baits can work well at times. Soft plastics rigged “Texas Style” are also a good choice when fishing drop offs and deeper structure. The most productive colors in 4” Yum baits are Smoke or Pumpkinseed. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.

Notable Catches Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email


When the salmon enter the river to spawn, opportunistic trout will migrate to the spawning beds to eat and fatten up for the winter on salmon eggs. You can get some great trout action by searching for large schools of salmon on their redds, and then fishing a salmon egg fly or lure just downstream of the spawning pairs.

2017 Island Outfitters Leader Boards


1) 34 lbs 8 oz – Ky Baumer – Pender Bluffs – Anchovy -September 10th

2) 28 lbs 4 oz – Allan Shoults – Otter Point – Anchovy – August 10th

3) 25 lbs 9 oz – Frank Gibbons – Waterfront – Anchovy – August 23rd

4) 23 lbs 7 oz – Edison Frando – Beechey head – Gibbs Minnow - July 15th

5) 22 lbs 1 oz – Christa Fremont – Church Rock – Anchovy – August 3rd



1) 74.0 lbs – George Kahan – Constance Bank – August 1st

2) 72.1 lbs – Trevor Skakun – Oak Bay – April 22nd

3) 70.0 lbs – Ron Howard –Constance Bank – Herring – September 5th

4) 68.9 lbs – Duane Sapelak – Discovery – Herring – March 24th

5) 68.6 lbs – Chris Hansen – Oak Bay – April 22nd



1) 5 lbs 11 oz – Mike Harrington – Langford Lake - September 18th

2) 5 lbs – Chad Vandermolen – Langford Lake – April 29th

3) 4 lbs 9 oz – James Balluch – Langford Lake – May 27th

4) 4 lbs 7 oz – Mike Greenwood – Langford Lake – July 9th

5) 3 lbs 11 oz – Marcel Allarie – Elk Lake– May 6th


Island Outfitters starts and ends the year with the free for fun and prizes Salmon, Trout and Halibut Leader Boards. Simply weigh your catch in at Island Outfitters and the top five fish in each category on December 31st win a special prize.

See our event pages for details on upcoming events at

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