Fishing Report for Week Ending July 26, 2015
OVERVIEW – Salmon fishing was VERY GOOD most of this past week. Limit catches of Pink salmon are coming from all areas. There were chinooks being caught, mostly fish in the teens and twenties, but it was slower than last week. Halibut fishing was VERY GOOD but most anglers were out after salmon.
DFO notices (For all in-season changes, check DFO website
The daily limit for coho is two (2) per day, hatchery marked only from June 1 to December 31, 2015.
Visit our facebook page to see reports, news and videos by our guides and staff from their most recent trips.
SOOKE – The salmon fishing was VERY GOOD this past week. The pink salmon are here and most Sooke anglers targeting them have reported limit catches! Now that the pinks are running, it is a great opportunity to get new anglers and kids out. The springs were in less common and scattered throughout the area. Most chinooks are weighing in the 20’s and teens. The bigger springs are being caught in the 35 - 60 ft depths.
The Consultants Invitational Fishing Derby was held this past weekend. First place in the salmon division went to Mauricio Navarrete for a 22.7 lb Chinook. Second place went to mark Sullivan for a 22 lb 10 oz chinook. Third place went to Jerrod Pinder for a 21 lb 10 oz chinook. The largest bottomfish was a 3 lb 10 oz rockfish caught by Jacquie Burden.
Anchovies are the number one choice of bait for Sooke anglers but with the high numbers of pinks being caught recently, many anglers are forced to use artificial baits when they run out of anchovies or herring. We’ve heard of some anglers using up to 50 anchovies in a day’s fishing. Teaser heads that have been performing well with anchovies are Bloody Nose, UV Green, Green Glow and the Mint Pearl. G-Force spoons in Irish Cream and No Bananas have been catching their fair number of fish. Coho Killers have been quite effective in catching pinks. A few sockeye have been caught but they are closed for retention. The most popular flashers recently have been the Ok’i Betsey, the Gibbs Outfitter and the Jellyfish UV.
BECHER BAY– Salmon fishing was VERY GOOD in East Sooke. There are lots of pink salmon and boats are getting limit catches. The pinks are throughout the entire area so you don’t have to search very far to find them. The best fishing has been on the flood tide in the tide rips and tide lines. The spring salmon fishing is pretty steady inside the bay. The best fishing there has been in tight to shore in 100 feet of water and between 40 – 70 feet on the downrigger. Anglers are also catching some springs between the Trap Shack and Beechey Head but a big spring could show up anywhere. Most springs were running from 15 to 25 lbs in size with a 31 lb spring the largest on the weekend. Anchovies were the most productive bait for the big springs and No Bananas and Halloween Candy were productive teaser heads. However, spoons and plastic baits have been popular due to anglers switching to artificial baits because of the amount of bait needed to weed through all of the pinks! The Glow/Green Stripe hootchy has been effective for springs this past week. Spoons, in 3 or 4 inch size such as G-Force in the Outfitter or Trap Shack colours were effective. For flashers, the Lemon Lime, Betsey and the Purple Onion have been good.
PEDDER BAY – Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this week. Limits of pink salmon, some nice springs, a few hatchery coho and some catch and release sockeye were reported at Pedder Bay Marina. Pedder Bay itself was the prime location to catch a nice spring, especially in shallow and near the Deep Hole. All of the pink salmon has kept the rental boat fleet very busy and there are usually waits at peak times. It’s a great place to take the family for lots of action. Anglers jigging inside of the bay were also catching springs and the Mac Fish and Gibbs Minnows were productive jigging lures. Anchovy was the most productive bait when trolling for springs with Halloween Candy and Bloody Nose being top choices in teaser heads. G-force spoons with both glow and green have been working as well and are getting more popular due to all of the pinks eating up bait. Flashers that remain popular include the Madi, Betsey, Lemon-Lime and the Purple Onion.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was EXCELLENT this past week. Duane Mousseau and his fishing partner landed 56 & 41 lb halibut from the Race one day this past week. Anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
VICTORIA – Fishing for springs was GOOD at Constance Bank if you could get your lure past the pink salmon. Springs are being caught by trolling and jigging at the bank with the jiggers having an easier time of not hooking pinks. The pinks were less frequent this week off Victoria waterfront. The best spot to find the pinks has been in deeper water and along the tide lines. It’s still spotty for springs off the harbour entrance and the breakwater but some springs have been caught there. There has been a bunch of 3-4” herring off the waterfront recently, so spoons in that size are a good choice for trolling. .Anchovies, spoons and squirts were successful in getting hook ups. Good choices in plastic baits are the Electric Chair, Purple Haze and pink squirts. Gibbs Coho Killer, Sitka needlefish and Coyote spoons in green, moon glow and silver colours have been very effective. The Lemon Lime flasher with the Glow Green Splatter Back Coho Killer has been a very effective combo out on the bank.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was GOOD this past weekend. Anglers report that the dogfish were less of a problem this past week. Most anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
OAK BAY – Salmon fishing was SPOTTY this past week. There were springs caught but fewer fish that during the previous week. Most salmon caught were when fishing lures right on the bottom (60-120 ft) on the flats. The fish were hitting needlefish spoons as needlefish are the predominant in the area. Anglers also caught fish using G-force spoons in 3 -3.5 in No Bananas and Outfitter colours. Anglers that were jigging reported catching springs as well. Coho Killers in Gold Nugget and Green Splatterback have been pretty productive. The best flasher has been the Gibbs Lemon Lime and the Bon Chovy.
HALIBUT – Halibut fishing was VERY GOOD this past weekend out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island. Anglers that have been fishing are using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
SIDNEY- Salmon fishing was VERY GOOD near Sidney. The pink salmon have been running off of the Pender Bluffs and lots of boats are getting limits there. A few chinooks were brought in over the past week but not too many. The springs have been shallow, at 30 to 50 feet and in shallow water, first thing in the morning. Many anglers are fishing using anchovies in Bloody Nose and UV Green teaser heads. Squirts have been out-producing hootchies and the hot patterns for springs now are Purple Haze, J-79 and Electric Chair. Coho Killer spoons have also been working well, especially in double glow and Gold Nugget.
Notable Catches – The Consultants Invitational Fishing Derby was held this past weekend. First place in the salmon division went to Mauricio Navarrete for a 22.7 lb Chinook. Second place went to mark Sullivan for a 22 lb 10 oz chinook. Third place went to Jerrod Pinder for a 21 lb 10 oz chinook. The largest bottomfish was a 3 lb 10 oz rockfish caught by Jacquie Burden.
Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email
OVERVIEW – Fishing is GOOD on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake. Only single barb less hooks are allowed for all fishing on island streams and rivers.
Effective July 4, 2015, virtually all angling in streams and rivers in Wildlife Management Units 1-1 through 1-6 is suspended. The geographic area covers:
Bamfield south to Victoria on the west coast
Campbell River south to Victoria on the east coast
- Key rivers affected by the order include the Caycuse, Chemainus, Cowichan, Englishman, Gordon, Little Qualicum, Nanaimo, Nitinat, Oyster, Puntledge, San Juan, Sooke, Trent and Tsable. Lake fishing is not affected by the order.
The angling closure order is for southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands only at this time, but B.C. government fisheries biologists are monitoring approximately 75 other key angling streams across the province, and if conditions warrant, additional closures are possible.
TROUT – Trout fishing was GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area this past week. Bank anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing from shore and right on the bottom. Orange Garlic and Pink Garlic have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are fishing Pumpkinheads, Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Micro Leech patterns on full sink fly lines. Trollers have been doing well with Gibbs Gang Trolls and Gibbs Wedding Bands. Other good trolling lures are the Apex Trout Killers in rainbow, green or black and white patterns. Flatfish and/or Kwikfish have also been effective in sizes 5 to 7 in Frog, Black with Silver Flake or Rainbow Pattern. The biggest trout this year have come from Langford Lake.
BASS - Bass fishing is EXCELLENT. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows. During the day, soft plastics rigged Carolina style work well and crank baits can work well too. Soft plastics rigged “Carolina Style “is also a good choice when fishing drop offs and docks. The most productive colors in 4” Yum baits are Smoke or Pumpkinseed. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Notable Catches – Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email
Keep your rod tip up! Most anglers know that by keeping your rod tip up, your chances of landing a fish are greatly improved. This lets the rod tire the fish and provides flexibility to counter sudden movements by the fish. The best way to keep your rod tip up is by keeping the non reeling hand away from the reel and far up on the rod handle while the rod butt is kept low.
Island Outfitters Leader Board 2015
1) 39.4 lbs – Justin Wilson – Church Rock – Anchovy - July 5th
2) 38.2 lbs – Jordan Game – Sooke – Anchovy – July 18th
3) 33.6 lbs – David Chung – Muir Creek – Anchovy - July 16th
4) 32.5 lbs – Dennis Zarelli – Trap Shack – Anchovy – July 1st
5) 31.7 lbs – Zack Homer – West of Sheringham – Anchovy - June 19th
1) 70.4 lbs – Mike Koff – Oak Bay - Octopus – April 26th
2) 69.1 lbs – Mike Paltinger – Haro Strait – Herring - April 25th
3) 67.3 lbs – Rick Lelonde – Oak Bay – April 25th
4) 65.9 lbs – Marty Pinchin – Mud Hole – March 30th
5) 65.8 lbs – Adam West – Zero Rock – Mackerel – April 25th
1) 4 lbs 7 oz – Bryan Barter – Fuller Lake – March 8th
2) 4 lbs 3 oz– Paul Tilley – Langford Lake – January 17th
3) 4 lbs 2 oz– Doug Burnit – Dougan Lake – May 9th
4) 3 lbs 13 oz – Mike Reid – Elk Lake – March 8th
5) 2 lbs 10 oz – Ryan and Alec – Fuller Lake – July
Island Outfitters starts and ends the year with the free for fun and prizes Salmon, Trout and Halibut Leader Boards. Simply weigh your catch in at Island Outfitters and the top five fish in each category on December 31st wins a special prize.
See our event pages for details on upcoming events and like us on facebook!